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Bookairfreight cannot ship personal goods or certain hazardous materials. If you are not sure, feel free to contact us to check.


Pickup (Where Are You Shipping From?)
Delivery (Where Are You Shipping to?)

Calculating by total shipment is less accurate and therefore more likely to incur an additional charge for inaccurate or oversized dimensions

Total No. Boxes: 5 Boxes /

Total Size: 0.50 CBM /

Total Gross Weight: 100.00 KG


Bookairfreight cannot ship personal goods or certain hazardous materials. If you are not sure, feel free to contact us to check.

Different Products Have Different Prices, Please Choose Carefully


We Offer to Cover Up to US$ 10,000 Insured Value for Free

Total No. Boxes: 5 Boxes /

Total Size: 0.50 CBM /

Total Gross Weight: 100.00 KG

USA has been selected.